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Clinical Supervision

"Ethical work cannot be sustained in an eroding environment that fails to support its workers."

- Laura Van Dernoot Lipsky, Trauma Stewardship

Fee for Supervision
$100 - 60 min individual Session
$60 - 90 min group Session
$125 - Consulting fee for Supervision of Supervision or Consultation on Supervision Topics 

Brittany is a compassionate director at Brave Hope Counseling, supporting associate clinicians through the oversight and licensing process.

Dynamic supervision is not just important but essential. Brittany finds a deep sense of passion and purpose supporting associate clinicians through their supervision and licensing process. She is here to help. Brittany takes a Humanistic model approach to supervision and believes this to be the adhesive component to all other approaches within the supervision process. In taking a Humanistic approach with supervisees a catalyst for understanding, acceptance and genuine interactions is created. These principles can then be carried forth to the clients that are being served. Brittany is an approved supervisor for the Board of Licensed Social Workers (Oregon and Washington) and the Board of Professional Counselors and Therapists (Oregon). 

The Humanistic approach creates space for self-exploration, Brittany believes that structured supervision can encourage learning in and outside of the supervision appointments. In addition, she finds it helpful for supervisees to know what to expect during meetings and to work on specific outcomes in between meetings. The use of the Cognitive Behavioral approach helps with this additional component. 

Vibrant street art murals add color and creativity to the clinic oversight pages, reflecting the vibrant and inspiring atmosphere at the Brave Hope Counseling Centre.

All theories and psycho-babble aside Brittany enjoys the supervision process. She brings positive intentions to the supervision she provides. She has a true passion for teaching, sharing her experience and learning from others in the field. Growth and learning are never ending. Brittany finds the supervision she provides improves her own practice, the supervisee’s practice as well and the lives of the clients that are being served. 

It is her intent to create a welcoming, honest and genuine space where learning and growth can occur as well as some laughter. She welcomes hard and honest conversations. She is intentional and prepared to discuss cultural and intersectional topics. She is committed to noticing, and changing systemic issues and de-colonizing language. She will provide feedback while taking into consideration the growing edges and encouraging future colleagues to do the same. 

The learning continuum is an endless journey. Brittany and Brave Hope Counseling would love to be a part of your journey.

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 PO Box 873882, Vancouver, WA 98687


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